When Saint Andrew parish in Coral Springs was established in 1969, its first Masses were celebrated in private homes. The original altar used to celebrate the parish’s first Sunday Mass was an old wooden door, cut in half and hinged in the middle so it folded when not in use.
Today, the parish has evolved into one of the largest in the Miami archdiocese with nearly 9,000 multi-ethnic and multi-cultural families. Of the nine weekend Masses offered, two are celebrated in Spanish. The church operates a book store where parishioners can purchase an array of items such a rosaries, confirmation crosses, wood carvings and other religious items. The parish school includes grades PreK2 through grade 8, and the religious education outreach in both Spanish and English serves more than 1500 children, all taught that they are the hands and feet of Christ, “through time, talent, and treasure.”
Parishioners participate in numerous outreach ministries, formed to serve both Anglo and Hispanic communities. Parishioners maintain the altar linens, chalices, cibora and chasubles, focus on Bible study, support the bereaved, and lead scouts.